The next competitions for membership on the news and business boards of the CRIMSON will begin early in the next College year, probably on September 30, one week after the beginning of College exercises. The competitions will be open to members of the class of 1915; the first competition for 1916 will begin soon after next mid-years.
Four editors have been chosen from 1915, leaving places on the board for at least six more men, who will be taken from the news competitions of the fall and spring of 1912013. The work required has been outlined before and will be explained in detail in the early papers of the fall. The competition is hard, for it takes time to get hold of even a small bit of news; but it teaches accuracy and concentration in a way that is invaluable. The broad insight into College activities that a news competition gives is also one of its useful ends; and an enumeration of its useful ends; and an enumeration of its advantages would be very incomplete without a reference to the practical training in handling business and men which is secured from work on the paper as an editor.
The business managers' competition will start at about the same time as the news competition, and offers positions for two men from the class of 1915. The work required is similar to that required by the business boards of the other College papers, and general business efficiency is given weight in the choice of managers as well as ability to get advertisement.
Incoming students may wonder that they are not permitted to compete for positions on the CRIMSON board during the first half of their Freshman year. The paper has always felt that the change from school routine to College routine, or rather independence, is one that should not be too abrupt, and accordingly, Freshmen are advised to spend their first months in College in learning the new conditions which surround them. Having passed mid-years safely, they may begin to look around for something to do in the way of outside work; and if work is desired that opens a field of varied interests, the CRIMSON offers an excellent opportunity.
There are many men who come to College anxious to "make good" or "do something," yet unable for one reason or another to be successful in College athletics. To these men is offered a competition for the CRIMSON which tests staying qualities and determination, and leads one to a serious but congenial atmosphere of business activity.
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Special Commencement Day Issue