
Phi Beta Kappa Catalogue

A new edition of the Catalogue of the Harvard Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa, much enlarged and issued in handsomer form than ever before, is on sale. To the contents of earlier editions has been added in this, which is the 21st in succession, lists of the Treasurers and Recording (Undergraduate) Secretaries; a complete list of the Orators and Poets who have spoken before the Society, including the titles or subjects of the Orations and Poems, and information in regard to their having been printed, in separate form, in periodicals, or in the later publications of their authors; the Charter of the Society as originally received from the College of William and Mary, the early Laws and Form of Initiation, extracts from the Records of the Society, and from the letters sent by the Harvard Chapter to the Yale Chapter in the eighteenth century, and notes taken from other sources in regard to the anniversary meetings;--the whole giving a vivid picture of the Society's life during the first century of its existence.

The Index of names has been re-cast in more convenient form. Finally, a dozen illustrations have been added showing the College Yard in 1781, in 1828, and in recent days before the beauty of its elms had departed, and every building connected with the his- tory of the Society,--the old church, the present Unitarian Church, Harvard Hall, Massachusetts, Holworthy, University and Boylston Halls, Sanders Theatre, and the Harvard Union.

The book has been printed at the Riverside Press and its price is $1.50 or by mail, postpaid, $1.70. Copies are on sale at the University Bookstore, at the Co-operative Society's Store, at the Publication Office in University Hall, and at the office of the Secretary in the College Library, to whom also mail orders should be addressed
