

To Start in Front of Massachusetts Hall at 10.--Order of Class Marching.

Officers of government, members of Faculties, and guests of the Corporation will assemble in front of Massachusetts at 10 o'clock this morning to march to Sanders Theatre. Alumni of not less than twenty-five years' standing who intend to join the procession should assemble in the same place. Alumni of less than twenty-five years' standing are requested not to join the procession, as there are no facilities for seating them in Sanders Theatre.

The candidates for degrees will assemble under the direction of their respective marshals at 10 o'clock: all speakers and candidates for the degree of A.B., near the east end of Holworthy Hall; candidates for S.B., near the west end of Holworthy Hall; candidates for A.M., M.C.E., M.M.E., M.E.E., M.E., M.Arch., M.L.A., M.F., S.M.Bot., S.M.Chem., S.M.Geol., S.M.Zool., S.D., M.B.A., and Ph.D., in front of Stoughton Hall; candidates for D.M.D., M.D., D.P.H., LL.B., S.T.D., and S.T.B., in front of Hollis Hall.

Order of Morning Procession.

Charles Warren '87, the University marshal has announced the following order for the morning procession. Among the Officers of Instruction only Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors, and other members of Faculties, and among the Alumni only graduates of at least twenty-five years' standing, are entitled to places in the procession. The order of the procession follows:




Candidates for degrees: A.B., S.B., A.M., M.C.E., M.M.E., M.E.E., M.E., M.Arch., M.L.A., M.F., S.M.Bot., S.M.Chem., S.M.Geol., S.M.Zool., S.D., M.B.A., Ph.D., D.M.D., M.D., D.P.H., LL.B., S.T.D., S.T.B.

The President and Fellows.

The Honorable and Reverend the Board of Overseers.

The Governor of the Commonwealth.

The Governor's Military Staff.

Deans, two by two, as follows:

Harvard College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School of Applied Science, Graduate School of Business Administration and Department of University Extension, Dental School and Medical School, Law School and Divinity School.

Professors in the University, Associate Professors, Assistant Deans, Assistant Professors.
