All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Sunday, June 16.
11.00-**Rt. Rev. James De Wolf Perry, Jr., '92, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Rhode Island, in Appleton Chapel.
12.30.-Service in Appleton Chapel for members of class of 1887.
4.00.-Baccalaurcate service for Seniors in Appleton Chapel. Baccalaureate sermon by President Lowell.
5.00-6.00.-Reception by President and Mrs. Lowell to Seniors at 17 Quincy street.
Monday, June 17, Phi Beta Kappa Day.
10.00.-Business meeting of Phi Beta Kappa Society, in Harvard Hall.
11.30.-Phi Beta Kappa Society procession will start for Sanders Theatre.
11.45.-University meeting in Sanders Theatre. Announcement by the President, of the award of academic prizes for 1911-1912.
12.00.-Phi Beta Kappa exercises in Sanders Theatre. Oration by Jean A. A. Jules Jusseraud h.'07; poem, J. J. Chapman '84; presiding officer, Hon. F. J. Swayze '79, president of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
2.00.-Phi Beta Kappa dinner in Union.
8.00-1.00.-Senior spread and dance in Memorial Hall. W. Tufts, Jr., '13, head usher.
Tuesday, June 18.-Class Day.
9.00.-Service in Appleton Chapel for Seniors, by Professor George Herbert Palmer '64.
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