The Sixteenth Annual Convention of the Associated Harvard Clubs will be held in New York City today and tomorrow. Indications that the meeting will far exceed anything of its kind ever held before have led the New York Harvard Club, as host, to make preparations for nearly two thousand guests.
Business Meeting and Banquet Today.
Today's program includes an all-day business meeting to be held at the clubhouse on 44th street. At 6.30 o'clock the assembly will march in procession to the Hotel Aster for the annual banquet, at which President Lowell will be the guest of honor. J. H. Choate '52 will act as toastmaster and the speakers will include President Lowell, Dean Bradford of the Medical School, T. Roosevelt '80, R. Bacon '80, Postmaster-General F. H. Hitchcock '91, and Secretary of the Navy G. von L. Meyer '79. The University Glee Club will render selections and will lead the singing.
Baseball Game With West Point.
Tomorrow will be a day of recreation; the clubs will visit West point, where a baseball game will be played between West Point and a team of Harvard graduates. The return to New York City will be made in the afternoon in time for a dinner and smoker at the Hotel Astor in the evening.
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