

Academic Distinctions and Prizes Will be Awarded in Sanders Theatre.

Monday, June 17, will be Phi Beta Kappa day instead of the day after Commencement. The annual business meeting of the Society will be held in the West Lecture Room of Harvard Hall at 10 o'clock. After this the society will march to Sanders Theatre to hear the announcements by President Lowell of the various academic distinctions and prizes for the year. The literary exercises will immediately follow the awarding of academic honors. M. Jusserand, French Ambassador to the United States, will be the orator of the day, and J. J. Chapman '84 will be the poet. The public are invited to attend these exercises.

The Society will repair to the Union at 2 o'clock for luncheon. Hon. F. J. Swayze '79, Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and President of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, will preside.
