
Pop Concert Tonight

Tonight's program at the Pop Concert in Symphony Hall is as follows: First Corps Cadets Veteran's Night. 1. March, "Les petits Matelots,"  Ganne 2. Fete Espagnole,  Demerssemann 3. Waltz, "Vienna Blood,"  Strauss 4. Selection, "Simple Simon,"  Sloane 5. Overture, "Rienzi,"  Wagner 6. Entr' Acte "La Colombe,"  Gounod 7. Selection, "The Quaker Girl,"  Monckton 8. Invitation to the Dance,  Weber 9. Selection, "My Lady,"  Heartz 10. Valse Militaire,  Ganne 11. American Fantasy, Organ, Mr. Marshall.  Herbert 12. March, "Second Connecticut,"  Reeves
