
Engineering Camp Registration

Students whose plans are settled are requested to register on or before tomorrow, June 12; but registrations will be received at any time before the date set for the opening of a course. In order to count any course at the Camp for a degree in Harvard College a student must be present during the entire period set for the course.

The dates of beginning, the time required, the rating, and fees for courses open to undergraduates are as follows:

Plane and Topographic Surveying (Engineering 4a). Five weeks, beginning June 22. One half-course. Fee, $55.

Railroad Surveying (Engineering 4d). Six weeks, following Course 4a. One course. Fee, $66.

Course 4a and the first three weeks of Course 4d, if both are taken in the same summer, may be counted as one course. Fee, $88.


Geodetic Surveying (Engineering 4c). Four weeks, following course 4a. One half-course. Fee, $44.

Elementary Statics (Engineering 5b). Three weeks, beginning July 27. One half-course. Fee, $48.

Elementary Kinematics and Kinetics (Engineering 5e). Three weeks, beginning August 17. One half-course. Fee. $48.

In addition to the courses for undergraduates, courses covering the same ground will be given for students who have completed their college work.

Inquiries concerning the Camp should be made at 114 Pierce Hall, daily from 9 to 1, until June 22.
