

Was Topic Discussed by Mr. R. A. Woods in Last Southworth Lecture.

Mr. R. A. Woods delivered the last Southworth Foundation lecture in the Andover Seminary Building yesterday afternoon.

The topic was "The Kingdom of Light: Upbuilding of a New Social Order Reciprocally Involved with Regenerated Human Nature." In connection with the subject Mr. Woods discussed the general principle of democracy as the utopia for a redeemed human nature. That the spirit of immortality is being given up is not as true as it is often believed.

The mass of work which is now being done with no material end in view, but only out of a spirit of confidence in immortality is sufficient proof that never before has there been so much nascent interest in the immortal life. The social utopia is varied in form, and it is necessary that all who desire to bring it about should be tolerant of the views of others.

In closing Mr. Woods pointed out a number of broad foundations on which he believed that a new social order might be based. By these effort should be made that every child might have an opportunity for an upbringing, physically and morally sound, there should be a vast extension of the co-operative spirit in industry, as well as a supervision of the greater part of all business by public authority.
