

Freshman Teams of Harvard, Princeton and Yale Meet Tomorrow Night.

The Freshman debating teams will meet the Princeton and Yale freshman in the annual triangular debate, tomorrow evening. The negative team, consisting of R. E. Shillady, B. Woronoff, and B. Winkelman as regular speakers, and R. H. Pass and R. W. Chubb as alternates, will meet Yale in Cambridge. The affirmative team, W. Berman, E. R. Roberts, and W. A. Cahill as regular speakers, and L. G. Burgevin as alternate, will meet Princeton at Princeton. The subject of the debate is: "Resolved, That the initiative and referendum should be generally adopted in American states." The debate in Cambridge will be held in New Lecture Hall, the one in Princeton in Alexander Hall, Princeton, N. J., and both will commence at 8 o'clock.

J. Davis, of Pueblo, Colo., and J. C. Campopiano, of Cambridge, have been appointed manager and assistant manager respectively of the teams. Tickets at 10 cents each may be obtained at the Rendezvous, from either of the managers, or at the door tomorrow evening.
