

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Sunday, May 5.

10.15.--*Weekly meeting of Christian Association in Parlor of Brooks House.

11.00.--**Rev. Herbert Lock wood Willett, Ph.D., in Appleton Chapel.

4.00.--**Last public lecture at the Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston. Subject: "The Prevention of Unnecessary Noise," by Dr. C. J. Blake, M.D. '65.


4.00-6.00.--*President and Mrs. Lowell at home to students.

Monday, May 6.

4.00.--Leiter cup baseball series starts on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--Seminary in Economics. "Development of the Doctrine of Adaptation as a Theory of Social Progress." Lecture by Mr. L. M. Bristol, in Upper Dane.

4.30.--**Fourth Southworth Foundation lecture on "The Church and the Social Awakening," by Mr. Robert Archey Woods, in Room A, Andover Seminary Building. Subject, "Abodes of Darkness: The New Strategy against the Sources of Degeneracy."

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. Address on "Optical Properties of Spherical Crystals," by Professor H. W. Morse, in Room 25, Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

7.00.--Indiana Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.--Modern Language Conference. Addresses on "Some Sources and Influence in Arnold's Poetry," by Mr. C. E. Downes; and "The Beginnings of the English Essay," by Mr. W. L. MacDonald, in Common Room of Conant Hall.

8.15.--**First pop-concert by Boston Symphony Orchestra in Symphony Hall, Boston.

Tuesday, May 7.

4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, in Room 5, University Hall.

4.00.--**Baseball game with Lafayette on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--*Third lecture on "The Early Development of Hegel's Philosophy," by Dr. J. Loewenberg '08, in Room F, Emerson Hall. Subject: "The Mystic-Pantheistic Phase in Hegel's Early Unpublished Writings."

5.45.--Third Social Service Committee dinner in Phi Beta Kappa Room, Memorial Hall.

6.00-8.00.--Speakers Club fortnightly dinner in Guest Room, Memorial Hall.

8.30.--Deutscher Verein Senior Kneipe in Trophy Room of Union.

Wednesday, May 8.

11.00.--Meeting of Board of Overseers at 50 State street, Boston.

4.00.--**Freshman baseball game with Everett High on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--**Last Southworth Foundation lecture on "The Church and the Social Awakening," by Mr. Robert Archey Woods, in Room A, Andover Seminary Building. Subject: "The Kingdom of Light: Up building of a New Social Order reciprocally involved with Regenerated Human Nature."

4.30.--**Last lecture (in French) on "L'historie du palais de Versailles," by Professor Eugene J. A. Duquesne, of the department of Architecture, in larger lecture room, Robinson Hall.

6.30.--Annual joint dinner of outgoing and incoming boards of Register, at Hotel Westminster, Boston.

7.00.--*St. Paul's Society weekly meeting. Address on "The Position of the Protestant Episcopal Church," by Rev. George Hodges, D.D., in Noble Room of Brooks House.

Thursday, May 9.

2.30.--*Lecture on "The Work of the Bureau of Economics," by Mr. F. G. Athearn, Manager of the Bureau of Economics of Southern Pacific Company, San Francisco, Cal., in Room H, of Emerson Hall.

3.00-5.00.--Meeting of Harvard Dames in Parlor of Brooks House.

4.00.--**Baseball game with Pilgrims on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--**Last lecture on "Hospitals," by Mr. Frank Miles Day, of Philadelphia, Pa., in lecture room of Robinson Hall.

4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club weekly tea, in club rooms, Holyoke 7 and 8.

4.45.--**Harvard Zoological Club. Lecture on "Notes on Zoogeography and Oceanography of the Northwest Pacific," by Dr. H. B. Bigelow '01, in Zoological Lecture Room, University Museum, fourth floor, Room 4.

5.00.--Second Cutler Lecture on Preventive Medicine, by Dr. John F. Anderson, Director of Hygienic Laboratory, Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, in Amphitheatre of Building E, Medical School, Longwood Avenue, Boston. Subject: "Some Recent Advances in our Knowledge of Certain Infectious Diseases."

8.00.--**Speaking for Boylston Prizes, in Sanders Theatre.

Friday, May 10.

2.00.--Bussey Seminar. Lecture in review of Goldschmidt's "Erblichkeits-studien an Schmetterlingen," by Mr. Rudolf W. Glaser, at Bussey Institution.

4.00.--Lacrosse game with Hobart on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--*Fourth lecture on "The Early Development of Hegel's Philosophy," by Dr. J. Loewenberg '08, in Room F. Emerson Hall. Subject: "The Reflective-Systematic Phase in Hegel's Early Unpublished Writings."

8.00.--*Harvard Philosophical Club meeting. Address on "A Mediaeval Pragmatist," by Mr. Harry Wolfson, in Room C. of Emerson Hall.

8.00.--**Freshman triangular debate with Yale in New Lecture Hall.

Saturday, May 11.

3.00.--**Dual track meet with Dartmouth in Stadium.

3.00.--**Tennis team plays Princeton at Longwood Cricket Club, Brookline.

3.00.--**Interscholastic tennis tournament begins on Jarvis Field.

3.00.--**Baseball game with Holy Cross at Worcester.

8.00.--**Musical Clubs concert at Academy of Music, Northampton.
