

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Sunday, May 5.

10.15.--*Weekly meeting of Christian Association in Parlor of Brooks House.

11.00.--**Rev. Herbert Lock wood Willett, Ph.D., in Appleton Chapel.

4.00.--**Last public lecture at the Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston. Subject: "The Prevention of Unnecessary Noise," by Dr. C. J. Blake, M.D. '65.


4.00-6.00.--*President and Mrs. Lowell at home to students.

Monday, May 6.

4.00.--Leiter cup baseball series starts on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--Seminary in Economics. "Development of the Doctrine of Adaptation as a Theory of Social Progress." Lecture by Mr. L. M. Bristol, in Upper Dane.

4.30.--**Fourth Southworth Foundation lecture on "The Church and the Social Awakening," by Mr. Robert Archey Woods, in Room A, Andover Seminary Building. Subject, "Abodes of Darkness: The New Strategy against the Sources of Degeneracy."

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. Address on "Optical Properties of Spherical Crystals," by Professor H. W. Morse, in Room 25, Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

7.00.--Indiana Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.--Modern Language Conference. Addresses on "Some Sources and Influence in Arnold's Poetry," by Mr. C. E. Downes; and "The Beginnings of the English Essay," by Mr. W. L. MacDonald, in Common Room of Conant Hall.

8.15.--**First pop-concert by Boston Symphony Orchestra in Symphony Hall, Boston.

Tuesday, May 7.
