


For the benefit of those who may wish to make their plans in advance the program for Commencement week is printed below, giving the arrangements for all the services and exercises which have thus far been planned. Certain parts of the program are subject to change; but ample notice will be given in case of alterations.

Sunday, June 16.

11.00.--Exercises in Appleton Chapel, conducted by one or more members of the class of 1887. The class of 1887 will attend the exercises, and afterwards visit the points of interest about the University.

4.00.--President Lowell will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon to the Seniors in Appleton Chapel. The hymn, by J. G. Gilkey, of Watertown, Class Poet, will be read.

5.00-6.30.--President Lowell's reception at his house, 17 Quincy street.


Monday, June 17.

10.00.--Business meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Harvard Hall, followed by a parade to Sanders Theatre. The parade will be formed by classes, the oldest classes leading.

12.00.--Phi Beta Kappa exercises in Sanders Theatre. The oration and poem will be delivered, the oration by his excellency, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules Jusserand, LL.D. '07, French Ambassador to the United States, and the poem by Mr. John Jay Chapman '84, of New York, N. Y. Hon. Francis Joseph Swayze '79, justice of the supreme court of New Jersey, and president of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, will preside.

The members of the class of 1887 will take an outing in the country, entertaining their families at luncheon.

2.00.--Phi Beta Kappa dinner in the Union.

8.00-1.00.--Senior Spread and Dance in Memorial Hall. The Delta west of Memorial will be bordered with private boxes, and none but ticket-holders will be admitted. Refreshments will be served on the Delta from 9 till 12. Walter Tufts, Jr., '13, of Boston, has been appointed head usher for the Spread.

Class Day, Tuesday, June 18.

Seniors will be expected to wear their caps and gowns during the whole day.

9.00.--Senior class chapel exercises in Appleton Chapel. The services will be conducted by Professor George Herbert Palmer '64.

11.00.--Class Day exercises in Sanders Theatre. A prayer will be offered by Professor George Herbert Palmer. The oration, by Robert Wood Williams, of Baltimore, Md., the poem, by James Gordon Gilkey, of Watertown, and the ode, by George William Gray, of Houston, Tex., will be given.

The members of the class of 1887 with their wives will be the guests of one of their number of luncheon, and will later attend the exercises in Cambridge.

2.00.--First Harvard-Yale baseball game in New Haven.

2.00.--The yard will be cleared, and none but ticket-holders will be admitted between 2 and 11.

4.00.--Exercises in the Stadium. The Ivy oration will be delivered by Robert Charles Benechley, of Worcester.

5.30-7.30.--Phillips Brooks House spread on the quadrangle between Holden Chapel and Phillips Brooks House.

6.00.-10.00.--Spread in the Union, open to members only.

8.00.-11.00.--Dancing in the Gymnasium and in Memorial hall. One set of tickets will admit the bearer to both the Gymnasium and Memorial Hall.

9.00.--The Glee Club will sing on the front steps of Sever Hall.

If arrangements can be made, the Musical Clubs will give a concert in Sanders Theatre on Class Day evening.

Wednesday, June 19.

This day will be left open for class re-
