

In connection with the Senior and Freshman class pictures to be taken today two customs should be observed to insure success. In the first place, although there is no rule to that effect, all Seniors who expect to be in the picture should wear caps and gowns. In past years Senior pictures have been taken with a large number of the men in plain clothes. As long as custom has it that some wear the academic costume, all who come to the picture should conform to the unwritten law.

Secondly and equally important is the custom of the financially depleted Seniors begging a humble penny or two from the generous-hearted Freshman. The cause, the Senior Picnic (be it this year down the harbor or up the river), is a most worthy one, and no member of the Freshman class should mount the steps behind Memorial Hall without being amply prepared to contribute to the bushel baskets which will be paraded below. Freshmen who are caught without ready change can easily obviate the difficulty by weighting the bill with a borrowed coin and casting it to the ground, where it will be readily received by the waiting bankers.
