

Defeated Minnesota in Both Singles Matches.--Doubles Called Off.

C. S. Cutting '12 and E. H. Whitney '14 of the University tennis team defeated representatives of the University of Minnesota in a two-man match played on the courts of the Longwood Cricket Club yesterday morning. Whitney won from J. J. Armstrong, 6-3, 6-4, and Cutting defeated S. M. Stellwagon, 6-2, 6-2, 6-4. A very high wind raising clouds of dust on the courts made fast playing practically impossible. The match in doubles was called off on account of the wind and because the University team was victorious in both of the singles matches.

Tennis With Pennsylvania Tomorrow.

E. H. Whitney '14 and E. H. Woods '14 of the University tennis team will play a two-man match with a team, representing the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.

Freshman Tennis With Andover.

The Freshman tennis team will play the second match of its season with Phillips Andover Academy at Andover tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The Freshmen will play in the following order: W. M. Washburn, D. E. Kimball, E. S. Draper, Jr., C. J. Jennings, M. A. Hofer, G. M. Gates.
