

In Sanders at 12 o'clock.--Procession, Dedicatory Prayer, Singing of "America" and Address.

The regular services in observance of Memorial Day will be held in Sanders Theatre tomorrow at 12 o'clock. They will consist of a dedicatory prayer, the singing of "America" led by a quartette from the Glee Club, an address by Col. T. L. Livermore h.'10, and will close with the singing of "Fair Harvard."

The procession, consisting of the members of the Charles Beck Post, G. A. R., the Loyal Legion, Spanish War Veterans and members of the Faculty will form in front of University Hall at 11.50, and will march directly to Memorial. Members of the University and the public are also cordially invited to attend. Seats will be reserved on the floor for the military, and for holders of reserved seats. The public will be allowed anywhere else in the Theatre.
