
Competition for 1913 Class Song

It has been decided to hold a competition for a class song to be written by a member or members of the class of 1913,--a song which may be sung at gatherings of the class next year, by the Glee Club at Commencement, and at reunions in the years to come.

The committee will accept either words, or music, or words and music, but believes that more successful results will be obtained if musicians and versifiers collaborate. To this end it suggests that either composers or poets knowing of no one to collaborate with, hand in their names to the committee, so that it can bring these men together.

The song shall consist of two verses with or without chorus, the only two indispensable qualifications being simplicity and spirit.

Copies of the final selection of the committee will be published in regular form, while both words and music will appear in the class Album. The competition will close shortly after the opening of College next fall. Further particulars may be obtained from the committee, which has been appointed as follows: chairman, M. Fremont-Smith, of Washington; D.H. Bigelow, of Norwood; W.R. Burlingame, of New York; A.L. Moeldner, of Brookline; W.L. Ustick, of St. Louis.
