

For Installing Electric Lights in Senior Dormitories. -- Subscription Must be Raised Now From Members of Class.

At a meeting of the Junior class last night it was decided to leave the installation of electric lights in the Senior dormitories next year in the hands of those men who have been allotted rooms in those dormitories. The estimated cost of doing this is $2500; about 260 men are expected to live in these rooms next year, so the committee expects each man to subscribe at least ten dollars to this fund. The contract for lights must be signed on May 28, so that it is imperative that all pledges be in on or before that date; cards may be obtained of members of the Senior Dormitory Committee or at Leavitt & Peirce's. As the time is so short, the committee will not be able to reach all these men, so that the Juniors must get their cards and make them out, individually, or the whole scheme will have to be given up.
