

At a meeting held last night the Junior class decided that the matter of raising the $2500 necessary to install electric lights in the four Senior dormitories, Hollis, Holworthy, Stoughton, and Thayer, be left in the hands of those members of the class to whom rooms in the Senior dormitories have been allotted for next year. As about 260 men will occupy the rooms which will benefit by the proposed improvement, the amount that each will have to subscribe to make the plan successful will be very small. The action of the class makes it a purely personal issue with next year's occupants of the Senior dormitories whether or not electric lights are to be installed. Manifestly, the plan cannot be realized unless everyone does his share, and in deciding the question each should consider not only his personal wishes and desires but also the way in which installation of electric lights will add to the attractiveness of the Senior dormitories for future classes. It is generally admitted that the plan of having Seniors room in the Yard is one that should receive the support of every man interested in the betterment of our undergraduate life. Undoubtedly, the attractiveness of the Senior dormitories will be increased if electric lights are installed, and for this reason alone, to say nothing of the personal convenience involved, the proposed plan should receive the hearty support of every man who is to room in the Senior dormitories next year. If all of the Juniors directly interested enter into this plan and give it their support, a very great improvement may be made at very little cost to each individual. We believe the plan should be carried out and that the Juniors by lending their support will be doing the College a great good.
