
Yale Won Intercollegiate Shoot

The Yale shooters won the intercollegiate match at Wellington Saturday afternoon, defeating Dartmouth by seven targets. Princeton was third and Harvard last.

The Freshman shooting team defeated Dartmouth 1915 Saturday morning by the score of 168 to 149. G. E. Benson broke 43 out of a possible 50 targets. The scores are as follows:

Intercollegiate Shoot.

Yale.-Thompson 95, Biddle 95, Keeler 87, Emmett 84, Scott 81. Total, 442.

Dartmouth.-Comstock 93, Crowell 90, Boggs 88, Stiles 84, Miller 80. Total, 435.


Princeton.-White 87, Simpson 86, Ninick 85, Bartlett 81, Barnett 77. Total 406.

Harvard.-Knapp 86, Mixter 85, Cutting 83, Lockwood 81, Silsbee 71. Total 406.

Freshman Shoot.

Harvard.-Benson 43, Bullock 36, Jackson 33, Meloy 32, Loomis 24. Total 168.

Dartmouth.-Sheldon 39, H. Stanton 36, E. Stanton 33, Foster 33, Ingram 8. Total, 149.
