

Perhaps no festive occasion during the course of the year has brought graduates and undergraduates together in such close touch as did the Holworthy Centennial on Saturday evening, when the Harvard Memorial Society and the present occupants of the hall held a reception and dinner for past occupants and other invited guests. That the graduates co-operated to make the celebration a success was shown by the large number attending and by the spirit of unity and friendship manifested by hosts and guests alike.

At the dinner which was held in the Union, the early traditions of Holworthy Hall were recounted by graduates with a vividness and interest that charmed the undergraduates and called up in the minds of the graduates pleasant memories of the past. President Lowell used the opportunity to emphasize his often-expressed belief that dormitories are superior to all other means of bringing men together for social purposes. That he is correct in his belief was shown Saturday evening, when graduates and undergraduates, drawn together by the common ties of traditions and pleasant memories, united with enthusiasm and cordiality to make the Centennial a decided success.

The committee in charge of this celebration is to be congratulated for the way in which the affair was planned and executed. Such a celebration required a great deal of thought and preparation, and its success constitutes the reward for the committee's labors. Furthermore, the spirit of co-operation and friendship that was evidenced between graduates and undergraduates on this occasion may well serve as a precedent for future celebrations of similar nature.


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