


The class of 1913 again made good their claim to championship on the track and field by taking first place in the annual class games yesterday afternoon. The Freshmen were a close second and the final outcome was only determined by the last event of the day, the 220-yard dash. By taking the first two places in this race the Juniors made their victory sure. The scores were: Juniors, 45; Freshmen, 34; Sophomores, 25 2-3; Seniors, 12 1-3.

Excellent Time in 440-yard Dash.

The best performance of the day was made by W. A. Barron, Jr., '14 in the 440-yard dash. He defeated F. W. Capper '15 and D. P. Ranney '12 by less than a yard in 50 2-5 seconds. The finish in the mile-run was very close, the first four men being grouped within 20 yards. The event was won by H. P. Lawless '13 in 4 minutes, 35 4-5 seconds. P. R. Withington '12 and F. W. Copeland '13 struggled for the lead throughout the two-mile run, Withington breaking the tape four yards ahead.

The greatest point winner was T. Cable '13, who won firsts in the hammer-throw and the broad jump. In the former event he made 142 feet, 8 inches, and in the latter he jumped 21 feet, 4 inches. R. S. deGozzaldi '13 scored 8 points for his class, taking first in the 220-yard, and second in the 100-yard dash. J. B. Camp '15 won the pole-vault and tied for second in the high jump.

A special event, a mile run for the lacrosse squad, was held in addition to the regular track program. This was won by J. F. Foristall '13. Prizes were awarded to the first seven men to finish.


The summary:

Track Events.

120-yard high hurdles.--First heat, won by A. L. Jackson '14; second, K. F. Pantzer '14. Time, 17 1-5s. Second heat won by P. M. Rice '15; second, H. St. J. Smith '15. Time, 17s. Final heat, won by P. M. Rice '15; second, A. L. Jackson '14; third, H. St. J. Smith '15. Time, 16 3-5s.

220-yard low hurdles.--First heat, won by H. St. J. Smith '15; second, W. L. Allen '14. Time, 26 3-5s. Second heat, won by A. L. Jackson '14; second, K. F. Pantzer '14. Time, 27s. Final heat, won by A. L. Jackson '14; second, H. St. J. Smith '15; third, W. L. Allen '14. Time, 26s.

100-yard dash.--First heat, won by J. I. Abbott '14; second, W. B. Adams '13; third, E. F. Atkins '15. Time, 10 2-5s. Second heat, won by R. S. de Gozzaldi '13; second, R. Tower '15; third, J. L. Foley '15. Time, 10 2-5s. Third heat, won by P. B. Halstead '13; second, F. J. O'Brien '14; third, C. H. Tilton '15. Time, 10 3-5s. Final heat, won by R. Tower '15; second, R. S. deGozzaldi '13; third, J. I. Abbott '14. Time, 10 2-5s.

220-yard dash.--First heat, won by R. Tower '15; second, J. L. Foley '15. Time, 23 2-5s. Second heat, won by W. B. Adams '13; second, R. S. deGozzaldi '13; third, J. I. Abbott '14. Time, 23s. Final heat, won by R. S. deGozzaldi '13; second, W. B. Adams '13; third, R. Tower '15. Time, 22 2-5s.

440-yard dash.--Won by W. A. Barron '14; second, F. W. Capper '15; third, D. P. Ranney '12. Time, 50 2-5s.

880-yard run.--Won by E. Stone '15; second, E. D. Smith '13; third, R. G. Huling '13. Time, 2m., 4 4-5s.

One-mile run.--Won by H. P. Lawless '13; second, R. St. B. Boyd '14; third, H. M. Warren '13. Time, 4m., 35 4-5s.

Two-mile run.--Won by P. R. Withington '12; second, F. W. Copeland '13; third, F. H. Blackman '14. Time, 9m., 48 3-5s.

One-mile run for the members of the lacrosse squad.--Won by J. F. Foristall '13; second, A. Y. Hodgdon '13; third, P. Gustafson '12.

Field Events.

Running broad jump.--Won by W. L. Allen '14; second, T. Cable '13; third, P. G. M. Austin '13. Distance, 21 ft., 4 in.

Running high jump.--Won by A. W. Moffat '13; second, tie between F. B. Waller '13, and J. B. Camp '15. Height, 5 ft., 8 in.

Pole-vault.--Won by J. B. Camp '15; second, B. N. Jones '12; third, tie between L. C. Torrey '12, P. H. Smart '14, and H. St. John '14. Height, 11 ft., 6 in.

16-pound shot-put.--Won by R. B. Batchelder '13; second, F. H. Leslie '12; third, C. E. Brickley '15. Distance, 42 ft., 2 in.

16-pound hammer-throw.--Won by T. Cable '13; second, H. S. Sturgis '15; third, L. D. Howard '14. Distance, 142 ft., 8 in
