Numerous requests for information about the Senior Spread, from 1912 men who has the misfortune to miss last year's Class Day, prompt an explanation of what the spread really is. The Senior Spread is the big dance of the Senior year, and is to the Seniors what the Junior Dance is to the Juniors,--only more so. It will be held this year on Monday evening, June 17, the night before Class Day, in Memorial Hall.
There will be in all twenty dances. The Delta west of the hall will be fenced in and decorated with bay and spruce trees, Japanese lanterns, etc.; and boxes to hold from three to seven couples will be constructed and appropriately decorated. "Fusser's Delight," a section at the extreme west of the Delta, will be enlarged this year so as to meet the expected demand. An orchestra in the hall will alternate with a band on the Delta, so there a will always be something doing from 8 to 1. There will be no supper dance as refreshments will be served in the boxes from 9 to 12.
As last year, dress suits will be supplanted by blue coats and white flannel trousers. Elaborate programs, suitable as permanent souvenirs of the great occasion, will be provided. On the night of the dance a very competent corps of ushers from the Junior class will have charge of all the details. In fact, all the Seniors have to do is to procure their tickets, invite their three best girls, send in the names of those whom they wish to include in their boxes, and the committee will do the rest. SENIOR SPREAD COMMITTEE
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