The University lacrosse team will play its final game in the intercollegiate series with Cornell in the Stadium this afternoon immediately following the track meet with Yale. If victorious in this game Harvard will have won the championship of the northern division of the league.
Cornell has proved in former years to be a formidable opponent, and overtime periods have been necessary in several games. This year also Cornell has a strong team. Although Harvard's is considered one of the best college teams in this country, it will have to fight hard to retain the championship this year.
The University team defeated Hobart last week by the score of 14 to 2. Although a one-sided contest, the game brought out the characteristic features of the University team,--a strong attack, working as a unit, and a fairly good defence.
Cornell Has Strong Team.
The Cornell team also has a powerful attack and an average defence. Earlier in the season it tied Johns Hopkins, which barely defeated the University team, 5 to 4. Recently Hobart was defeated, 5 to 4, but the game was a practice game in which five substitutes were given try-outs. Cornell was defeated by the Crescent Club of Brooklyn, by the narrow margin of one goal, while the Crescent Club defeated Hobart very easily by the score of 11 to 0. Judging from comparative scores, then, Cornell and Harvard, both stronger than Hobart, are quite evenly matched, the odds being slightly in favor of Harvard.
The line-ups will be as follows:
Freshman Lacrosse at 2.
The Freshman team will play the Brooklyn Boys' High School on the University lacrosse field this afternoon at 2.15 o'clock. Having played only one game this year, that one with Andover, where lacrosse is being taken up this spring for the first time, the Freshmen have not had an opportunity to show their real strength. Andover was defeated, 12 to 1.
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