

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Sundary, May 19.

11.00.--**Rev. Charles Reynolds Brown, S.T.B., in Appleton Chapel.

4.00-6.00.--*President and Mrs. Lowell at home to students.

Monday, May 20.


4.00.--**Second Freshman eight-oared race with second Middlesex, on Charles River.

4.30.--Seminary in Economics, Address on "The Collection of Country Checks," by A. D. Johnson '13, of Boise, Idaho, in Upper Dane.

4.30.--Meeting of Progressive Republican Club, in Trophy Room of Union.

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium, Address on "The Theory of Quanta," by Professor E. B. Wilson, of Technology, in Room 25, Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

8.00.--**Second lecture on "The Philosophy of Henri Bergson," by Dr. E. C. Wilm, in Emerson A. Subject: "The Metaphysics of Bergson."

8.00.--Modern Language Conference, Addresses on "The Genealogy of the Elizabethan Ghost," by Dr. C. E. Whitmore, and "The Fable," by M. E. Smith, in Common Room, Conant Hall.

8.15.--**Harvard Pop Night at Symphony Hall, Boston.

Tuesday, May 21.

4.00.--Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, in Room 5, University Hall.

4.00.--**Cercle-Verein annual baseball on Soldiers Field.
