


Professor Bliss Perry and O. F. Cutts L.'03, spoke on "Opportunities for Service After Graduation," in the Living Room of the Union last evening. Professor Perry discussed the question from a general view-point and Mr. Cutts outlined a simple plan for bringing men into contact with the opportunities for service after graduation.

Relations Between University and Community.

As an introduction to Mr. Cutts's plan, Professor Perry laid emphasis on the necessity of establishing the good-will of the University in the community in which it is situated. Criticism is being made of college men because after graduation they are too preoccupied with their business to think of serving the communities in which they live. College men as transmitters of strength need association with service to make their power felt among those who have not had opportunities.

Mr. Cutts's Plan.

Mr. Cutts stated that college men are being weighed, challenged, and tested by the world. The challenge comes for college men to diffuse their power and learning into the uplifting forces of man kind. The attitude of college men toward a life of service is often favorably commented upon, but attitude is not actual service. In order to establish cohesion among college men in regard to opportunities for service, the following simple and efficient plan has been devised. In Buffalo, Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York, committees have been formed to find some field of service in which the college men of these cities can engage with interest. No man is forced to work but he is merely shown some opportunity of service which he can carry on besides his regular work. In order that a complete list of men can be obtained for the committees, the graduating classes of the large colleges are asked to send the names of the men who are interested in social service work to the committee in New York. If this plan succeeds well this year, it will be extended over a larger field next year. That college men are interested in it is shown by the fact that the Harvard Club of Pittsburg has given its support as well as prominent graduates of other institutions
