To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The lack of spirit shown in the failure of respond to the call for designs for the 1913 Senior buttons is most discouraging to those in charge of the work. It has been admitted by all who have given the matter a thought that the idea of having the buttons in readiness with the opening of the College year is excellent. To that end the competition was called this spring, so that the design might be decided upon in plenty of time to have the buttons made up during the summer.
The number of designs already submitted has been disgracefully small, and the competition is scheduled to close tomorrow. The committee has positively decided that it will make no extension of the time, which means that if there are no more designs submitted, one of those on hand will have to be chosen. The result to having so few from which to choose will probably be most unsatisfactory. The question, then, comes down to this: does the class prefer to run the risk of having an unsatisfactory button, or is it going to see to it that there are sufficient designs handed in to ensure a completely satisfactory result? 1913 BUTTON COMMITTEE,
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