The interscholastic tennis tournament which ended Wednesday and contained at the start forty-three entries, together with the twenty-seventh annual interscholastic track meet scheduled for a week from tomorrow, point out one more way by which Harvard can strengthen the tie which binds it to the preparatory schools of the neighborhood. The tournament and the meet, receiving, as they do, the official sanction of the University, naturally form focal points upon which the interest of preparatory school athletes is centered. They are, therefore, essentially successful.
A similar scheme night be applied to interscholastic rowing. The advantages of having a single race, the winning of which would be the main object of the scholastic crews, are obvious. Not only would schoolboy rowing in this neighborhood receive a great impetus, but the relations between Harvard and the schools would be sure to become closer and more cordial.
Similar schemes could not, of course, be applied to football, baseball, or hockey, because of the vast number of contests which are held in these sports. But the number of scholastic crews is necessarily limited. Why could not Harvard offer to these crews the same opportunities which it offers to scholastic tennis players and track athletes?
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