

The speeches which Professor Perry and Mr. Gutts are to deliver in the Union this evening, represent a new movement aiming to bring Harvard graduates into their proper place as leaders in the social service of the communities in which they live. The meaning of this movement and the opportunities which it offers for every graduate to be of some service in one way or another will be explained by these men for the benefit of the whole University, but especially for the benefit of the graduating class of 1912.

Everyone graduating from Harvard knows of the increasing demand throughout American towns and cities for broadminded and intelligent men to assume some share of responsibility in the political or social welfare of these communities. A representative university like Harvard is always ready to aid in securing positions in such a field of progressive activity; and there is no time a man appreciates more keenly what his college stands for than at the end of the Senior year. Association in any of the work to be outlined by the speakers means sacrificing only a few hours each month. If a man will give these hours willingly, he is acquitting an obligation to the University, and helping along a cause for which every one of us fells the need to do something.
