The Beacon Cup Regatta for class crews will be held over the mile and three-quarters course in the Basin this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The race will be started promptly and all crews must be at Cottage Farm Bridge at the time scheduled.
Of the upper class crews the Sophomores have made the best showing of late, rowing well, together and getting strength and snap into their stroke from catch to finish. The Juniors have a good crew, however, and in spite of the misfortune of losing their stroke in mid-season, should make a good showing in the race. The Senior crew, made up from a small amount of material at the beginning, has been rather unsteady all spring, with some slight improvement during the past week.
The orders:
Seniors.--Stroke, Richardson; 7, R. Parker; 6, Barnes; 5, Weston; 4, Brooks; 3, Peabody; 2, Dewey; bow, Smart; cox., Kempton.
Juniors.--Stroke, Chase; 7, Talbot; 6, Vickery; 5, Locke; 4, Lynn; 3, Handy; 2, Leviseur; bow, Taggart; cox., Davis.
Sophomores.--Stroke, Curtis; 7, Willetts; 6, Hubbard; 5, Kingsbury; 4, Walters; 3, Walker; 2, Harrower; bow, Saltonstall; cox., Howe.
Second Freshmen.--Stroke, Lothrop; 7, Fuller; 6, Withington; 5, E. Handy; 4, Wyner; 3, Duer; 2, Apollonio; bow, Paine; cox., Munro
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