The University baseball team will play Syracuse on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Syracuse was defeated by Dartmouth, 9 to 5, Vermont, 1 to 0, and Michigan, 6 to 3. Harvard and Vermont played an eleven inning 0 to 0 game, and the game with Syracuse today will be important in figuring the relative strength of the Harvard and Dartmouth teams which will meet on Soldiers Field on Saturday. Hitchcock and Hardy will both be used in the box for the University team this afternoon.
The batting orders:
Harvard: Babson, l.f.; Wingate, 3b.; Clark, 1b.; Potter, 2b.; Reynolds, r.f.; Desha, s.s.; Reeves, c.; Gibson, c.f.; Wigglesworth, c.f.; Hitchcock, p.; Hardy, p.
Syracuse: Giles, 2b.; Parsons, r.f.; Newhart, l.f.; Raynor, c.; Fisher, 1b.; Seymour, s.s.; Foley, 3b.; Schoepflin, c.f.; Dexter, p.; Welsh, p.
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