
Second Team Won Farcical Game

The Harvard second baseball team easily defeated the First Corps Cadets on Soldiers Field Saturday afternoon by the score of 21 to 3, in a game which was called in the eighth inning, because of its farcical one-sidedness. The unsteadiness of Graham, the Cadets'pitcher, combined with numerous errors in the field to make the heavy hitting of the second team unusually fruitful, 15 hits resulting in 21 runs, five of which were made in the third inning, seven in the sixth, and three in the seventh. The Harvard pitchers, Buffum and Waterman, allowed seven hits, but held the game well in hand at all times, only one man being passed to first by Waterman.

Following are the batting orders: HARVARD SECOND.  CADETS. Magwood, Haas, c.f.  1b., Powers Curtis, s.s.  c.f., Jones Simpkins, Bolton, l.f.  s.s., Sheldon Hoogs, Avery, 3b.  l.f., Faulkner Milholland, 1b.  p. Graham Flint, 2b.  c., Goode Bradley, r.f.  3b., Briggs, Nowell Osborn, c.  2b., Quigley Buffum, Waterman, p.  r.f., Henessy

Innings,  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  R.  H.  E. Harvard,  1  0  5  3  2  7  3    21  15  2 Cadets,  0  0  2  0  0  1  0  0  3  7  9


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