

Forty-Three Contestants Representing Eight Schools Entered Tournament.

The twenty-second interscholastic tennis tournament started on Jarvis Field Saturday morning with 43 contestants from eight schools, and in the four rounds which were played the Exeter men won matches counting them 14 points, which gives them the school championship to retain for another year. Exeter also has two men in the semi-finals, C. Herd, the Pacific coast champion, coming through his matches with ease, and J. A. Gee winning with somewhat more difficulty, G. C. Caner, of St. Mark's, last year's runner-up, will be matched against Herd, and A. S. Peabody, of Malden High School will be matched against Gee in the semi-finals on Jarvis Field this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The final match for the individual championship may be held immediately afterward, but, more probably, will be played tomorrow at 2.30 o'clock.
