Although bringing a confidence born of last year's unexpected victory and hopes based upon comparative performances, Dartmouth's track team realizes today that Harvard will bend every effort to win back what it lost last season. With no chance of over-confidence on either side, coupled with the importance each team attaches to victory this afternoon, the Dartmouth meet should afford one of the closest track contests ever seen in the Stadium.
Also, from another point of view, this meet is a critical one for the 1912 track team. A victory today will give the maximum impetus against Yale next Saturday; a defeat will go far toward repeating the results of last year.
It is unfortunate that a track meet seldom wins as large or as enthusiastic a backing as does a football game, but the infrequency of important meets makes such the case. However, nobody can argue that this backing, when provided, has not a tremendous effect upon the outcome. Today, more than at any time during the season, this support is invaluable. The CRIMSON hopes that undergraduates will attend the meet this afternoon as much from a sense of duty as to witness good sport.
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