

Of Advocate Board to be Held at Hotel Victoria.--Speakers Announced.

The Advocate Board will hold its forty-sixth annual dinner and reunion at the Hotel Victoria, Boston, this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Several former editors who have since attained prominence in literary work will speak. The judges of the Advocate prize competition expect to announce the results of the contest at this time.

Winthrop Wetherbee '87, of Boston, will act as toastmaster and the following men will speak: Professor W.A. Neilson '96, of the department of English; W.R. Thayer '81, an editor of the Graduates' Magazine; W.G. Peckham '67, the founder of the Advocate; C.S. Dazey '81, a prominent dramatist; A.S. Pier '95, editor of the Youths' Companion; G.W. Gray '12, of Houston, Tex.; and H.R. Peterson '13, of Barnstable.
