Another Lecture on "Wiring".
Mr. E. F. Lawrence, of the firm of Stone & Webster, of Boston will give the second of a series of lectures on "Wiring" this afternoon. The lecture will take place, as yesterday, in Room 202, of Pierce Hall, at 4 o'clock and it will be open to the public.
Second Southworth Lecture.
Mr. R. A. Woods, who since 1891 has been the Head Worker at the South End House, Boston, will give the second of the five Southworth Foundation lectures in Room A, at the Andover Seminary Building this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. The subject for today will be "Vocation" Democracy in the Main Action of Life." The lecture will be open to the public.
Lecture on Sanitation in Panama.
A meeting of the Harvard Engineering Society will be held in Room 110, of Pierce Hall, this evening at 8 o'clock. At this meeting there will be a lecture on "Methods and Results of Sanitation on the Isthmus of Panama." It will be given by Mr. J. T. B. Bowles, who for some time has been the Physiologist in charge of Water Supplies and Filtration Plants for the Isthmian Canal Commission. The lecture will be illustrated by stereopticon and will be open to the public.
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