The annual interclass games will be held in the Stadium this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Two hundred and forty-nine entries have been received and all the events will be closely contested.
The entire track program will be run off, including eight track and five field events. In each events the first three undergraduates to finish will receive class numerals, and winners of the first and second places will receive cups. The first place in each event will count five points, the second three, and third one.
A Special Relay Race.
As a special feature the track advisory committee has arranged for an inter team mile race with the University soccer and lacrosse teams as competitors. Each team will be composed of twelve men and the first seven men on the winning team will receive medals. The scoring for this event will be the same as in cross-country, the team with the lowest number of points winning.
Officials and Contestants Report.
The officials are requested to report in the Track Room at the Locker Building at 3.45, and all contestants at 3.50 o'clock. The following men have been appointed captains of their class teams: 1912, W. H. Fernald; 1913, H. P. Lawless; 1914, W. A. Barron; 1915, R. Tower. The captains are to be present at the start of each event and place the men of their teams in position on the track.
List of Officials.
The list of officials is as follows:
Referee.--H. L. Gaddis '12.
Judges at finish.--H. Guild '80, P. Dana '04, H. S. Grew '96.
Timers.--E. C. Rust '04, G. W. Ryley '10, L. P. Dodge '08.
Starter.--G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10.
Field judges.--S. C. Lawrence '10, L. M. Little '10, J. W. Ford '05, J. W. Ford '05, R. Stiles '12.
Measurers.--T. J. Campbell '12, G. W. Merck '15.
Inspectors.--N. W. Bingham '95, P. Withington '09, W. F. Ryan '11, W. M. Rand '09.
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