
Notes from Memorial Hall

The Dining Council has added enough to the subscription of $250 to provide music at Memorial Hall during the remainder of the year. A special sounding board has been installed in the gallery which will help throw the sound of the music in greater volume to the further end of the Hall.

Memorial Closed During Recess.

Memorial Hall will be closed during the spring recess, April 14 to 21 inclusive, as last year. Members need not sign off for this period, since no charge will be made for it in any case. Randall Hall will be open during the recess and members of Memorial may obtain their meals there during that week. Meals at Randall Hall are served entirely a is carte.

Election to be Held.

On Wednesday, May 1, an election will be held of three representatives of Memorial Hall to the Dining Council, to serve during the academic year 1912-13. Candidates may be nominated by petition of not less than twenty regular members. All petitions must be handed in to the auditor not later than Monday, April 28.


A considerable amount of work will be required of the members of the Memorial Committee, which meets every Friday afternoon. As a partial return for these services, a deduction of $2 per week will be made from the board charge of each committee member, reducing their board to $3.25 per week.
