

In the last few years Harvard University and the city of Cambridge have come to fuller realization of the services which the one can and should give to the other. A recognition of what has already been accomplished in bringing about relations of mutual advantage was made last Monday by Mayor Barry on the occasion of his inauguration for a second term.

In his address he remarked on the generous spirit which the University has shown to the city, citing as examples of it, the five scholarships now given to deserving Cambridge scholars, the privileges which the youth of Cambridge have received in regard to the use of athletic fields, and the advice and expert assistance which has been given the Water Board and Public Buildings Commission, as well as to the Harvard Square Business Men's Association.

These words of Mayor Barry bring to our notice a new state of affairs that have been produced, under which the student body as well as the Faculty are being drawn into a friendly relation with the city that has not always been a tradition in the past. These friendly relations have led the city and the University to fulfill their duties to one another in a wise and more effective way. Let us hope that these relations may become even more friendly, so that the co-operation of the one with the other may result in further advantages.
