

Intercollegiate Championships at Hotel Astor, Last Night and Tonight.

The University fencing team, composed of M. M. Boyd '12, captain, H. H. Loomis '12, and G. B. Wilbur '12, has gone to New York City for the final bouts of the intercollegiate fencing tournament. They meet teams from Annapolis, Columbia, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, and West Point at the Hotel Astor last night and tonight. Coach Leslabay and J. A. McLaughlin '11, last year's captain, have accompanied the team. The meet is a round robin, each man fencing one four-minute bout with every opponent.

As Annapolis and West Point each won 26 out of the 27 bouts in the preliminaries held at West Point and at Annapolis two weeks ago, the championship will almost surely go to one of these academies. Harvard seems to stand as good a chance of getting third place as any of the other colleges in the tournament.

During the season the University team has won two bouts, from Columbia and Bowdoin, and lost four, to Annapolis, University of Pennsylvania, West Point and Yale. The defeat at the hands of Yale was retrieved in the preliminaries at West Point, when the University team defeated Yale 6 to 3.

Although all the members of this year's team will be lost by graduation, there has been considerable undergraduate interest in the sport this year, and there is a wealth of promising material on hand for next year.
