

Traps at Soldiers Field to Open Monday.--This Year's Prospects.

Shooting at the traps on Soldiers Field will begin Monday afternoon and the spring season will close with the intercollegiates on Saturday, May 18. There will be several shoots including matches with Dartmouth and Yale. W. T. Carden 1L., and J. C. P. Bartholf '13, who is playing baseball, are the only members of the team which defeated Yale last fall who are not available this spring. The following men may be counted on for the University team, Captain S. Mixter '12, D. Lockwood '13, and G. S. Silsbee '13.

All candidates for the team should report at Soldiers Field next Monday. Freshmen are especially urged to come out in order to practice for a match which will be arranged with Dartmouth 1915.
