
Facts of Interest to the University

Dr. Tyng Will Speak on China.

Rev. Dudley Tyng '02, a missionary in China in recent years, will deliver an illustrated lecture on "China in Revolution, by an Eye Witness" at 58 Garden Street this evening at 8.30 o'clock. Tickets at $1 each may be obtained at the door. The lecture will be open to the public.

Straw Vote at Forestry School.

As a result of a straw vote in the Harvard Forestry School for the next president of the United States, Roosevelt was elected by a majority of seventy-five per cent.

1915 Lacrosse News.


Charles John Ferguson '15, of Newton, has been appointed manager of the Freshman lacrosse team, and Percy Cotton '15, of Cambridge, has been elected captain.

Monthly Election.

The Monthly has elected Osgood Williams '14, of Milton, to its board as Business Editor.

Two Lectures on Wiring.

Mr. E. F. Lawrence, of the Stone & Webster organization, will give two lectures on "Wiring" in Pierce 202 on next Tuesday and Wednesday at 4 o'clock.

Gift of $10,000 to Medical School.

The Harvard Medical School has recently received a gift of $10,000 from Mrs. William M. Underhill to form a fund, the income of which will be used for original investigation into diseases and disturbances of function of the nervous system.

Talk on Hydroelectric Plants.

At a meeting of the Harvard Engineering Society, to be held in the Common Room of Conant Hall, this evening, at 8 o'clock, Mr. G. S. Deming will discuss "Typical Hydroelectric Plants in Maine." All members of the University are invited.

First of Series of 1915 Smokers.

The first of a series of two Freshman class smokers will be given in the Dining Room of the Union on Monday evening at 9 o'clock. Entertainment will be provided by the class mandolin club and by Kanrich's orchestra.

Formal Opening of Varsity Club.

The formal opening of the new Varsity Club building, erected in honor of Francis Hardon Burr '09, will occur on Saturday, May 18. Notices of the dinner to be held there on that occasion are being sent out this week. Detailed arrangements have not yet been completed.

Ushers for Baseball Games Wanted.

Blue-books will be placed at Leavitt & Peirce's today in which all men who desire to usher at the baseball games this season should register. About twenty men will be chosen from this number to usher at the Colby game tomorrow.

Speakers' Club Elections.

The Speakers' Club has selected the following officers for the coming year: president, S. M. Seymour '13, of Chatham, N. Y.; vice-president, C. M. Make-peace '13, of Providence, R. I.; secretary, S. F. Withe '14, of Springfield; treasurer, G. E. Hubbard '14, of Cambridge; members of the executive committee: Faculty member, Professor I. L. Winter; advisory member, H. B. Gill '13, of Lockport, N. Y.; membership committee: W. B. Harris '13, of Merion Station, 'Pa.; H. C. Place '14, of Gilbertsville, N. Y.; P. W. Thayer '14, of Springfield.
