
What is Going on Today

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

Last day for receiving names of competitors for Boylston prizes for Elocution.

8.45.--**Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by Rev. C. E. Park.

2.00.--Trials for golf team at Oakley and Brae Burn.

2.30.--Trials for golf team at Jarvis Field.

3.00.--Guest afternoon of Harvard Dames in Parlor of Brooks House.


4.00.--**Baseball game with University of Maine at Soldiers Field.

4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club weekly tea. Address by Professor W. R. Thayer.

6.30.--**Taft rally parade forms at subway to go to Arena.

8.00.--Second crew leaves for vanapolis.

8.00.--**Eighth Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert in Sanders Theatre Soloist: Miss Seydel.

8.15.--**Public performance of "Impostor," by Pi Eta Club at clubhouse.
