

Mr. Owen Johnson of Yale was pressagent for Mr. Dink Stover at Lawrenceville; Mr. Stover is now taking a swift trip through Mr. Johnson's alma mater, and is the foil for caustic arraignment of undergraduate ignorance. It was so heated that many gentlemen of college extraction took exception to it, and recently the "Sun" interviewed him. Mr. Johnson reiterated wildly and at some length that he was right; that the general ignorance and utter lack of acquaintance with culture of the average American undergraduate was almost tragic. He waved his arms, and said he believed, apropos of the time-honored legend of Semitic 12 at Harvard, that a chance half-dozen college men could not answer offhand the question, "Who was Jehovah?" We asked a chance half-dozen, and only four of them answered, "I don't know," and our pride limped away. Now perhaps this is not a fair question; perhaps, however, Mr. Johnson speaks the truth. Recalling Mr. Stover's psychology on various occasions, we are inclined to lift an eyebrow and doubt if Mr. Johnson sees below the surface, and to chide him for using too broad a brush and too garish colors. His trouble may not be undergraduate ignorance, but ignorance of the undergraduate.
