

Close at Stoughton 12 at 6 o'clock.--Subject Announced.

The following subject has been chosen for the triangular debate to be held between the Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores: "Resolved, That for a student of average ability, a large college such as Harvard, Yale, or Princeton, is preferable to a small college such as Beloit, Williams, or Bowdoin."

The trials will be held in Harvard 5 at 7.30 o'clock Thursday evening. Six men from each class will qualify for the final trials, on April 11, when one team will be made up from each class.

On May 2, the Seniors will debate the Sophomores, the winning team meeting the Juniors on May 6. Silver cups will be awarded to the members of the victorious team.

All entries should be handed to C. D. Hurley '12, Stoughton 12, by 6 o'clock this evening.
