(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The anonymous gifts which have made possible the arrangements set forth by the Harvard Opera Association are dependent upon a sufficiently large enrollment before April 14. Consequently the committee wishes once more to urge all members of the University who have not yet joined to pay their 50 cents annual dues and sign up immediately at the Union or Leavitt & Peirce's.
This opportunity is such an exceptionally good one that all interested in music and the opera should avail themselves of it. Members are entitled to the privilege of obtaining $2 seats for 75 cents apiece for every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening performance throughout the season. There will be twenty seats for each of these performances. Four orchestra seats for Wednesday evenings will be placed at the disposal of members for $2 apiece. If the enrollment surpasses the expectations of the Committee, it is hoped that additional seats in the orchestra, besides some in the first balcony can be offered to members.
Detailed information concerning the association and the method of obtaining tickets will be sent next fall to all those who have joined. THE HARVARD OPERA COMMITTEE.
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