
Interesting News Items

Musical Clubs at Providence

The University Musical Clubs will give a concert in Providence tonight at 8.15 o'clock. They will leave the Back Bay Station at 6.30 on a special train.

Schedule of Games for Phi Beta Kappa

The Phi Beta Kappa baseball team has so far arranged the following schedule: the Faculty, the CRIMSON, the Cercle Francais, the Deutscher Verein, and the Phi Beta Kappa chapter at Yale. The dates of the games have not yet been decided.

University Fencing Championship


The preliminary trials for the Univer- sity fencing championships will be held in the Fencing Room of the Hemenway Gymnasium this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. No fee for entrance will be charged, but men desiring to compete should sign up at the Fencing Room as soon as possible. All members of the University are eligible.

Intercollegiate Politics

The Harvard Federation of Political Clubs will be represented at a meeting of the Intercollegiate Civic League in New York Friday by W. T. Fisher '18, A. Jareizki '13, A. S. Ohusted 3L., and H. J. Seligmann '12.

Second Year Law Committee

The following members of the second year class of the Law School were yesterday appointed by N. R. Cass 3L., marshal of the third year class, to compose the second year smoker committee: Norman Armour, of Princeton, N. J.: Oscsr Ross Ewing, of Greensburg, Ind.: Rarris Hunt Gilman, of Winchester; Walien Seth Logan, of Washington, Conn.: and Gerald Rays Page, of Peoria, III
