

Dr. Holcombe Finds it an Interesting Number With Pleasing Variety and Freshness.

The April number of the Illustrated Magazine is distinguished by the variety and freshness of its contributed articles, the appositeness of its illustrations, and the high tone of its editorial leader. Mr. Seymour's article on "Harvard's Interest in Politics," Mr. Dewey's on "How a Harvard Man May Vote," Mr. Kornfield's on the "Student's Vote," and Mr. Koch's on "Boston--Eight Minutes" are timely and to the point.

An Instructive Group of Portraits.

The group of portraits of "leaders in political service who have recently spoken at Harvard" reveals not only the extent of the opportunity enjoyed by Harvard men to see and hear the leading speakers of the land, but also the catholicity of taste which brings together on the same page the familiar features of the "silver-tongued orator of the West," the "kid's judge," and the genial author of the "Gentle Reader" and other essays.

China, Past and Present.

Mr. Langstaff's study of Samuel Newell, 1807, the first American missionary to the Far East, and Mr. Chu's study of the Chinese Revolution, though dealing with topics one hundred years apart, inevitably bring on a fascinating chain of ideas. The reader will lay down the articles with regret that they are so brief.


Mr. Cutts on College Service.

The first article in the issue, and rightly so placed, is Mr. Cutts's contribution on "College Men and Service." It is now ten years since his meteoric career as a University athlete was terminated. The life of a collegiate athletic reputation is short at the best, and Cutts's came to an untimely end. Yet those who knew him then could calmly look forward to a new and more substantial reputation in bigger fields, and they have not been disappointed. Undergraduates of today ought to read the contribution by Cutts.

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