We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
With the increased popularity of Memorial Hall this year, as shown by the unusually large and constant number of patrons, there has been a marked falling off in the decorum of its members. Particularly at the dinner hour has this been the case. Men take liberties that would not be countenanced in any other sort of a public dining hall. At the slightest provocation some jovial spirit clinks his glass, the majority, nothing loth, follows suit and a bedlam is the result. With this increase of noise there has been far too much thoughtless, although withal goodnatured, throwing of food about the hall. In this respect our reputation as a College of gentlemen has often times been questioned by visitors witnessing such proceedings. A striking example of this took place last week. The members of a visiting debating team were taken to the hall for luncheon on Friday as guests of members of the Harvard team. Innocently enough, after luncheon, they were cordially received in the aisle by friends. This incurred the displeasure of someone at a nearby table, who not recognizing them as absolute strangers took the liberty of throwing a piece of bread at them. Others followed suit in short order, and the entire party were literally driven from the hall. Ignorance of the identity of the men does not excuse such a disgraceful procedure which deserves the unmitigated condemnation of all fair minded men; and apologies under such circumstances are weak beyond measure. Let us take this lesson to heart and conduct ourselves here at home so that the stranger within our gates may not be led to misjudge us by such boorish actions.
With this incident fresh in our minds a plea for good behavior tonight when the historical April Fools day rough house is scheduled to take place seems unnecessary. We should demonstrate effectively the depth of our sense of shame. H. L. GADDIS '12
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