
1912 and 1914 Won Lacrosse

In the interclass lacrosse series, two games were played off Saturday after-noon, the Seniors defeating the Juniors, and the Sophomores the Freshmen. The Seniors defeated the Juniors by the score of 7 to 2. The Seniors showed better team-work than their opponents, and passed to greater effect. Nichols played well for 1912, while Lincoln showed the best form for 1913, making a number of difficult stops.

The game between the Sophomores and the Freshmen resulted in a victory for the former by the score of 3 to 2. The Freshmen played exceedingly well, especially Catton and Nightingale. For the Sophomores Abbe and Bicknell played the best individual games. Both sides, however, showed lack of practice.

The deciding match, between the Seniors and the Sophomores, will be played on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The winning team will be awarded individual cups and will have the privilege of wearing the class insignia of lacrosse.
